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The PianoZen Method

The PianoZen Method began simply as a personal practicing technique concert pianist, Thomas Rheingans developed so that he could practice the piano more efficiently and effectively.  However, the results were so remarkable and mysterious that Rheingans began to look deeper into the process.

The PianoZen Method offered a unique way to experience a more balanced mind and body connection.  It also became clear that this Method could help beginning piano students explore music at the piano in a more personal and profound way right from the start.

The PianoZen Method is a relaxing and contemplative approach to the art of playing the piano.   It is a fascinating journey of self-discovery for beginning piano students as they learn to see, hear, and feel their music in unique ways.  The journey begins as the students learn to quiet their minds and expand their awareness while playing the piano.

Piano Zen embraces mindfulness and multi-sensory awareness.  Many of the PianoZen audio lesson contain a relaxation session that helps students soften and slow down their minds.  When the student softens the mind, the body slows down and relaxes, and this state of heightened awareness elevates the effectiveness of piano training.

Unfortunately, most beginning piano students practice the piano with an extreme amount of tension.  These students also can be overly critical and analytical about their piano practicing o the point where it becomes impossible to achieve the results they want.  Frustration and tension work against their goals to play the piano well.

The PianoZen audio lessons often use meditative, slower ‘ tai chi-like’ practice tempos so that students can experience their music with this heightened awareness.  This enables students to experience a deeper sense of relaxation and musical expression while they play the piano.

Learning to play the piano online with PianoZen


The PianoZen Method is a video based online instruction program using a specially designed 1,200 page virtual lesson book.  The virtual lessons integrate video and audio instruction with visual material from the Piano Zen lesson book. The experience can feel like a piano lesson blended with a tai chi or yoga class.

The most intriguing aspect is that the Piano Zen online video lessons are like having your own personal PianoZen teacher - William Longfellow Emerson -  right there by your side, guiding you through every step of your piano practice.

  • Beginning students of all ages can take the classes including young children with the parental guidance, teenagers, and adults.

  • Students simply log-in to their PianoZen account and take lessons at the website. 

  • Students can download a PDF copy of the PianoZen Lesson Book for practicing off-line or order a physical copy.

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